For Seniors

Stress Reduction Tips and More for High School Underclassmen

We are excited to share a podcast featuring Mindy Popp and Lauren Gaggioli, founder of  Higher Scores Test Prep. In the podcast, Mindy and Lauren discuss steps that high [...]

October Newsletter

This month's newsletter is hot off the press and packed with lots of helpful tips for determining the right college fit, completing Early Decision and Early Action [...]

Early Decision & Early Action Checklist

The final days of October are almost here, which means that the 1st set of application deadlines arrives in less than 2 weeks! Many students are applying [...]

Finding Inspiration for Your College Essay

In the September P&A newsletter, we remember how our pasts can provide valuable inspiration for the work that we are doing today to develop meaningful college essays. [...]

Newsletter — Back to School Edition 2014

Fall holiday decor adorns local malls, peaches and cherries have been replaced by endless varieties of tomatoes and apples at farm stands, flip flops will soon be [...]

Have Faith in Your Voice: Tips for Writing Your College Essay

So here we are in August with much of the summer behind us, fall sports teams are starting their summer training, Back-to-School sales are on, and The [...]

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