As many of you know, December is the time when most Early Action and Early Decision Round I application news arrives. Some families have already received decision information; more admission decisions will be released this week through the end of the month. There are also a few colleges that will not notify applicants until January-February. Students will likely first learn about their admission decisions through an e-mail or other online communication, but print letters often follow.

While I anticipate that many students will receive positive feedback in the coming days, it is inevitable that there will be some disappointments. These moments can be very challenging for students, as a college rejection or deferral may be the most significant disappointment that a teenager has faced in his/her life to date. We need to remember that a college rejection is only a rejection of admission, and not a rejection of all the student has achieved and the good qualities s/he has. It can be difficult to keep this perspective in mind, especially at the initial onset of unfavorable news.  Students will likely look to counselors and parents for strength and guidance, and we need to do our best to find the silver lining in the situation.

On that note, I recently tweeted a quote from the Dalai Lama. Perhaps these words will be helpful in the coming days, though I hope they are not needed often:

“Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.”

I have every confidence that students will enjoy favorable outcomes in the college application process….some students may just need to wait a little longer for the good news they desire. It will come. It always does.