The 2014 Show Your College Love Contest is for high school seniors (Class of 2014) and current college students attending a 4-year college in the United States now or beginning in the summer 2014, fall 2014, spring 2015, or fall 2015 semesters. Students are invited to submit photos and a video along with a brief personal statement regarding why they chose the college they plan to attend or what they love about their current college experience.
Contest submissions will be accepted until 11:59PM EDT May 17, 2014. The contest deadline was extended from May 9 due to technical difficulties that students encountered with video submissions. We apologize for the inconvenience and look forward to seeing your Show Your College Love Contest entry!
The winner will receive a college scholarship in the amount of $500, and an additional donation in the amount of $250 will be given to the winner’s high school, college or charity of choice. Popp & Associates will notify the winner by June 1, 2014.